6308 Seven Seas Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308
9746 West Grove Ave. Visalia, CA 93291
Phone Number (661) 589-WIRE (9473)

Communication Services

Our communications services manager has over 18 years of proven experience building and maintaining a state of the art high speed fiber optic network.

Call 661-589-WIRE


Our Service

Communication Services

Pavletich Electric and Communications recognizes how crucial a professionally spliced and well-documented fiber optic backbone is to your system. That's why we offer a full line of services to meet your fiber optic system needs.

Our communications services manager has over 18 years of proven experience building and maintaining a state of the art high speed fiber optic network. Our technicians complete formal "in-house" classroom training on industry proven processes used on premier fiber optic networks.

We offer the best quality workmanship, utilizing the best equipment available, and performing work in a safe manner. We are completely self-sufficient by supporting our splice crews with a full compliment of test equipment that's needed to complete your project! Our crews utilize 4x4 trucks equipped with generators, night lighting, traffic cones, splice tents, manhole entry gear and safety equipment. All crews are fully equipped with core alignment fusion splicers, dual wavelength OTDRs, visible light sources, laser sources and power meters.

Professional Team

Our team understands not only how to anticipate and define problems... but how to solve them.

Safety training

We believe in a proactive approach and our safety programs are efficient and effective.